Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Changing and crossing

Would you want to read a book endorsed thusly?
"In this dazzling dialogue, Zizek and Milbank change words and cross swords, until the point where both recognize that Christ and Hegel, in their monstrosity, look very much alike. A phenomenal achievement!"
—Catherine Malabou, Maître de Conferences, Philosophy Department, Université Paris-X Nanterre
Of course you wouldn't. My pleasure. Don't mention it (the book, that is).

The book is entitled The Monstrosity of Christ. Paradox or Dialectic?. I don't know what it's called. The caterpillar would.


A.J.P. Megkoronáz said...

I vote for paradox, but what do you win if you get it right?

Doesn't she mean "exchange" words?

AJP Gibbon said...

I suppose Nietzsche thought Hegel was a bit of a monstrosity.

Stuart Clayton said...

I don't know who is responsible for the word "change" instead of "exchange", or whatever Malabou said or meant to say. It's a familiar mistake that French speakers make in English. Malabou appears to be French.

But that's not important. What gripes me is the pseudy verbiage about Christ, Hegel, "monstrosities" and "looking very much alike".

Of course, I may be wrong about this. I may soon be lying (in alternation) at the feet of Zizek, Milbank and Malabou, drinking in their words of wisdom. But I doubt it.

AJP Crown said...

This kind of thing is exactly why we Anglos don't like Continental philosophy with our frothy coffee.

Zizek seems to provoke everyone.