Monday, December 7, 2009

The Great Panjandrum Himself

You will find the text with illustrations here, thanks to Project Gutenberg.

So she went into the garden
to cut a cabbage-leaf
to make an apple-pie;
and at the same time
a great she-bear, coming down the street,
pops its head into the shop.
What! no soap?
     So he died,
and she very imprudently married the Barber:
and there were present
the Picninnies,
     and the Joblillies,
               and the Garyulies,
and the great Panjandrum himself,
with the little round button at top;
and they all fell to playing the game of catch-as-catch-can,
till the gunpowder ran out at the heels of their boots


Trond Engen said...

I came here to pick up my medal and all I got was cabbage, Stu. But thanks; the Foote who lost a leg was new to me.

Paul said...

Where's the gunpowder trailing from his heels ....?

Stuart Clayton said...

Their heels:

till the gunpowder ran out at the heels of their boots

I've expanded the blog entry accordingly.